Sunan Bonang, also known as Raden Makhdum Ibrahim (1465-1525), the younger son of Sunan Ampel and Nyi Ageng Manila, was a member of the legendary Wali Songo, the nine founders of Islam on Java (Fox 2004). The life of Sunan Bonang is obscure. There is a lack of agreement among primary sources related to events associated with the saint’s life as he was celibate according to most sources and did not have descendants to recount his biography. There is general agreement among primary historical sources that Sunan Ampel mentored his son Raden Makhdum Ibrahim and Raden Paku (the future Sunan Giri) on Islam for a decade. Soon after both students completed their education under Sunan Ampel, they undertook a peregrination to Mecca. On their way to M...
This article is an attempt to know the abouts of Sunan Muria in more depth. This is done because the...
Abstract: This article will explain the mystical teachings of Sunan Bonang. He is a member of the Bo...
This research is a discussion on the subject of Tasawuf (Islamic mysticism) in the thought of Ibrahi...
Sunan Kalijaga (1450-1513)—also known as Raden Said or Lokajaya in his earlier life—is the most cele...
Sunan Drajat (1470-1522)—known variously as Raden Qosim, Masaikh Munat, Raden Syarifuddin, Maulana H...
Sunan Muria (d. ~ 1551 AD)—also known as Raden Umar Said—belongs to the younger generation of Wali S...
Sunan Drajat (1470-1522)—known variously as Raden Qosim, Masaikh Munat, Raden Syarifuddin, Maulana H...
Sunan Gunung Jati (d. 1570)—known variously as Syarif Hidayatullah, Falatehan and Tugril— is credite...
Sunan Kudus—also known as Ja’far Shadiq (d. 1550)—is widely considered one of the Nine Saints (Wali ...
Dato Karama or Abdullah Raqie is an Ulama from Minangkabau West Sumatra who brought Islam to Central...
The spread of Islam in Java, especially the north coast of Lamongan, was inseparable from the effort...
and its Malay translation Hikayat Hasanuddin, compiled in the late seventeenth or early eighteenth c...
Traditional histories are manifestations of Indonesia's cultural richness. These traditional histori...
Within the Indonesian context, the history of pesantren cannot be alienated from that of Walisongo ...
The advocacy is a movement in informing the Muslim and the non-Muslim to understand the concept of d...
This article is an attempt to know the abouts of Sunan Muria in more depth. This is done because the...
Abstract: This article will explain the mystical teachings of Sunan Bonang. He is a member of the Bo...
This research is a discussion on the subject of Tasawuf (Islamic mysticism) in the thought of Ibrahi...
Sunan Kalijaga (1450-1513)—also known as Raden Said or Lokajaya in his earlier life—is the most cele...
Sunan Drajat (1470-1522)—known variously as Raden Qosim, Masaikh Munat, Raden Syarifuddin, Maulana H...
Sunan Muria (d. ~ 1551 AD)—also known as Raden Umar Said—belongs to the younger generation of Wali S...
Sunan Drajat (1470-1522)—known variously as Raden Qosim, Masaikh Munat, Raden Syarifuddin, Maulana H...
Sunan Gunung Jati (d. 1570)—known variously as Syarif Hidayatullah, Falatehan and Tugril— is credite...
Sunan Kudus—also known as Ja’far Shadiq (d. 1550)—is widely considered one of the Nine Saints (Wali ...
Dato Karama or Abdullah Raqie is an Ulama from Minangkabau West Sumatra who brought Islam to Central...
The spread of Islam in Java, especially the north coast of Lamongan, was inseparable from the effort...
and its Malay translation Hikayat Hasanuddin, compiled in the late seventeenth or early eighteenth c...
Traditional histories are manifestations of Indonesia's cultural richness. These traditional histori...
Within the Indonesian context, the history of pesantren cannot be alienated from that of Walisongo ...
The advocacy is a movement in informing the Muslim and the non-Muslim to understand the concept of d...
This article is an attempt to know the abouts of Sunan Muria in more depth. This is done because the...
Abstract: This article will explain the mystical teachings of Sunan Bonang. He is a member of the Bo...
This research is a discussion on the subject of Tasawuf (Islamic mysticism) in the thought of Ibrahi...